We already know that the ring of polynomials of one variable over a field is a PID. Some common examples are $\mathbb{Q}[x]$, $\mathbb{R}[x]$, $\mathbb{C}[x]$ and $\mathbb{F}_p[x]$ (with $p$ a prime number). Prime ideals of such rings, therefore, can be generated by a single element $f(x)$, where $f(x)$ is an irreducible polynomial over the field of interest. In the rings $\mathbb{R}[x]$ and $\mathbb{C}[x]$, we can write down the explicit form of $f(x)$. In $\mathbb{R}[x]$, the irreducible polynomials are precisely the ones of degree one and the ones of degree two that have no real roots. In $\mathbb{C}[x]$, a polynomial is irreducible if and only if its degree is one.
However, the same story does not happen if the base ring is not a field, such as $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{C}[x]$. For example, $(2,x)$ is a prime ideal of $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ that is not principal. Similarly, $(x,y)$ is prime and non-principal in $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$ (Recall that ($\mathbb{C}[x,y]$ is defined as $\mathbb{C}[x][y]$). Hence, there are more prime ideals than just ideals generated by an irreducible polynomial. The question now is: could we determine all of the prime ideals in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ or $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$? The answer is yes: in fact, we could do this for an arbitrary ring of polynomials over a PID. First, let us recall the necessary definitions and properties of a PID.
Throughout this section, we assume that $R$ is an integral domain.
Definition 1.1.
a) Two elements $a,b \in R$ is called associated if $a \mid b$ and $b \mid a$. In this case, we also say that $a$ is associated with $b$ (or $b$ is associated with $a$).
b) A non-zero and non-unit element $p \in R$ is called irreducible if it has no proper divisors (i.e. divisors that are neither units nor elements linked with $p$).
c) An element $p \in R$ is called prime if for any $a,b \in R$, we have $p \mid ab \Rightarrow p \mid a \vee p \mid b$.
Since the association is an equivalence relation, all the elements associated together are the same. This relation helps us reduce troubles when working with associated irreducible elements.
Definition 1.2. Let $I$ be an ideal of $R$.
a) $I$ is called prime if for any $a,b \in R$, we have $ab \in I \Rightarrow a \in I \vee b \in I$.
b) $I$ is called maximal if there does not exist an intermediate proper ideal $Q$ between $I$ and $R$, i.e. $I \subsetneq Q \subsetneq R$.
In an arbitrary integral domain, primality implies irreducibility but not vice versa. However, in a PID the converse statement is true. The same event occurs for the primality and maximality of ideals.
Proposition 1.3. Let $R$ be a PID and $p \in R$. The following statements are equivalent:
a) $p$ is irreducible in $R$,
b) $p$ is prime in $R$,
c) $(p)$ is a prime ideal of $R$.
d) $(p)$ is a maximal ideal of $R$.
Proposition 1.4. Let $I \triangleleft R$ be a proper ideal. Then $I$ is prime (resp. maximal) if and only if $R/I$ is an integral domain (resp. a field).
Proof: We have:
$\bullet$ $I$ is prime $\Leftrightarrow \forall x,y \in R: (xy \in I \Rightarrow x \in I \vee y \in I)$
$\Leftrightarrow \forall x,y \in R: (\overline{xy}=\overline{0} \Rightarrow \overline{x}=\overline{0} \vee \overline{y} \vee \overline{0})$
$\Leftrightarrow R/I$ is an integral domain.
$\bullet$ $I$ is maximal $\Leftrightarrow$ there exists no ideal $Q \triangleleft R$ with $I \subsetneq Q \subsetneq R$
$\Leftrightarrow$ the ring $R/I$ has only two trivial ideals $(0)=I/I$ and $R/I$
$\Leftrightarrow$ $R/I$ is a field. $\square$
Next, we will describe all the prime ideals in a polynomial ring over a field. We also give two examples demonstrating that the description might be incomplete if the base ring is not a field.
Proposition 1.5. Consider the ring of polynomials $R[x]$. Then $R[x]$ is a PID if and only if $R$ is a field. If this happens, any prime ideal of $R[x]$ is of the form $(f(x))$ for some irreducible $f(x) \in R[x]$.
Example 1.6.
a) $I=(2,x) \triangleleft \mathbb{Z}[x]$ is prime but not principal.
Proof: Primality: Suppose that $f(x)g(x) \in I$, i.e. $f(x)g(x)$ can be written as $2p(x)+xq(x)$ for some $p(x),q(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$. Note that every $h(x) \in I$ can be rewritten as
where $a_0$ is an even integer. Therefore the constant term of $f(x)g(x)$ is even, which implies that the constant term of $f(x)$ or $g(x)$ is even. Thus $f(x) \in I$ or $g(x) \in I$.
Principality: Suppose that $I=(f(x))$ with $f(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$. Since $2 \in (f(x))$, we must have $2=f(x)g(x)$ where $g(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$. Taking degree two sides we get $0=\deg f(x)+\deg g(x)$, which implies $\deg f(x)=0$. But $\deg f(x)=0$ means $f(x)$ is a constant divides $2$, therefore $f(x)=1$ or $f(x)=2$, both of which are impossible. Hence $I$ is not principal.
b) $I=(x,y) \triangleleft \mathbb{R}[x,y]$ is a prime ideal generated by at least two elements.
Proof: The proof for this ideal can be done similarly to part a). Here we present another approach by investigating the quotient ring $\mathbb{R}[x,y]/I$.
Rewrite $\mathbb{R}[x,y]=\mathbb{R}[x][y]$. Consider the projection map
$$\iota: \mathbb{R}[x,y] \to (\mathbb{R}[x]/(x))[y] \cong \mathbb{R}[y] \to \mathbb{R}[y]/(y) \cong \mathbb{R}$$
transforming $f(x,y)$ into $\overline{f}(x,y)$ modulo $(x)$ and then into $\widetilde{f}(x,y)$ modulo $(y)$. We will show that $\ker \iota=(x,y)$. Indeed,
$$\widetilde{f}(x,y)=0 \Leftrightarrow x \mid \overline{f}(x,y) \Leftrightarrow \overline{a_0}=\overline{0}$$
$$\Leftrightarrow x \mid a_0(x) \Leftrightarrow f(x,y)=a_1(x)y+...+a_n(x)y^n \in (x,y).$$
By Noether's first isomorphism theorem, we have $\mathbb{R}[x,y]/(x,y) \cong \mathbb{R}$, which is a field. Thus $(x,y)$ is a maximal ideal (and therefore prime) of $\mathbb{R}[x,y]$. $\square$
Using the same technique, we can also prove that $(2,x)$ is a maximal ideal of $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ (part a) of the above example). More generally, all the prime ideals in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ of the form $(p,f(x))$, when $p$ is a prime number and $f(x)$ is irreducible in $(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})[x]$, are maximal ideals. Summing up the above results, we see that there are at least three types of prime ideals in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$:
- $(0)$,
- $(f(x))$, where $f(x)$ is an irreducible polynomial of $R[x]$,
- $(p,f(x))$, where $p$ is a prime number and $f(x)$ is irreducible in $(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})[x]$.
(Note that the case $f(x)=p$ is included in the second case because a prime element of $p$ can be considered as an irreducible polynomial in $R[x]$)
A natural question arises: Are these all the prime ideals in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$? Moreover, can we generalize the result for $R[x]$ if $R$ is a PID? We will find the answer now in the next section.
Before giving the statement and the proof of the main result, we state and prove two necessary lemmas as follows:
Lemma 2.1. Let $\mathfrak{p}$ be a non-zero prime ideal of $R[x]$ where $R$ is a UFD. If $\mathfrak{p}$ does not consist of non-zero constants, then it contains an irreducible polynomial $f$ of minimal degree.
Proof: The set of all the degrees of the polynomials in $\mathfrak{p}$ is a bounded set in $\mathbb{N}$, therefore it contains a polynomial $f' \in \mathfrak{p}$ whose degree is minimal. By unique factorization, we can write $f'=sf$ where $s$ is the $\gcd$ of the coefficients of $f$. Since $\mathfrak{p}$ does not have any non-zero constants, $s$ could not lie in $\mathfrak{p}$, hence $f \in \mathfrak{p}$. Now $f$ is irreducible in $R[x]$; otherwise we can factor $f=gh$ where $g,h \in R[x]$ are non-constant and have the degree less than $f$, contradicts the minimality of $\deg f$ in $\mathfrak{p}$.
Lemma 2.2. Let $\mathfrak{p}$ be prime ideal in a ring $R$ and $\phi: R \to S$ be a surjective ring homomorphism such that $\ker \phi \subseteq \mathfrak{p}$. Then $\phi (\mathfrak{p})$ is prime in $S$.
Proof: Suppose $ab \in \phi (\mathfrak{p})$. Since $\phi$ is surjective, we can write $a=\phi(x)$, $b=\phi(y)$ and $ab=\phi(z)$ for some $x,y,z \in R$. Furthermore, we can choose $z$ such that $z \in \mathfrak{p}$. Note that
This implies $xy-z \in \ker \phi \subseteq \mathfrak{p}$. Because $z \in \mathfrak{p}$, we get $xy \in \mathfrak{p}$. By the primality of $\mathfrak{p}$, we get $x \in \mathfrak{p}$ or $y \in \mathfrak{p}$. Thus $a=\phi(x) \in \phi(\mathfrak{p})$ or $b=\phi(y) \in \phi (\mathfrak{p})$. $\square$
Now back to the main problem. Suppose $\mathfrak{p}$ is an ideal of $R[x]$ where $R$ is a PID. To "play" with $\mathfrak{p}$, we can restrict $\mathfrak{p}$ to an ideal of $R$, from which we can determine the form of the ideal thanks to the PID property of $R$. For this reason, we consider the inclusion map $\iota: R \to R[x]$, which is also an injective ring homomorphism. Then $\iota^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})=\mathfrak{p} \cap R$ is a prime ideal of $R$. Since $R$ is a PID, we have $\iota^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})=(0)$ or $\iota^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})=(p)$ for some prime $p \in R$.
First, consider the case $\iota^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})=(0)$. If $\mathfrak{p}=(0)$ there is nothing to prove, so we assume that $\mathfrak{p} \neq (0)$. It is true that $\mathfrak{p}$ does not consist of non-zero constant polynomials: if there is such a constant called $r_0$, then $r_0 \in \iota^{-1}(\rho)=(0)$ which implies $r_0=0$. Applying Lemma 2.1, there is an irreducible polynomial $f(x) \in R[x]$ lying in $\mathfrak{p}$. Now $\mathfrak{p} \supseteq (f(x))$, we only need to prove the converse inclusion. To do this, we need to "extend" the coefficient ring $R$ to its fraction field $F$.
Pick an $g(x) \in R[x]$ and view $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ as elements of $F[x]$. Let $I=(f(x),g(x))$ be an ideal of $F[x]$, then $I$ can be rewritten as $I=(q(x))$ with $q(x) \in F[x]$ irreducible, which implies $q(x) \mid f(x)$. Since $f(x)$ is irreducible in $F[x]$ due to the Gauss' lemma, $q(x)$ is associated with either $1$ or $f(x)$ (but not both of them). However, the former case is impossible. Indeed, if this happens there exists $a(x),b(x) \in F[x]$ such that $a(x)f(x)+b(x)g(x)=1$. Moreover, we can eliminate the denominators of coefficients in $a(x)$ and $b(x)$ by multiplying them by $c_1,c_2 \in R$, respectively, and get
Since the left-hand side lies in $\mathfrak{p}$, so does the right-hand side $c_1c_2$. Applying the primality of $\mathfrak{p}$, we get $c_1 \in \mathfrak{p}$ or $c_2 \in \mathfrak{p}$, which contradicts the fact that $\mathfrak{p}$ does not contain constants in $R$. Now, the association between $q(x)$ and $f(x)$ follows that $I=(f(x))$ and thus $f(x) \mid g(x)$ in $F[x]$. According to Gauss' lemma (again), we have $f(x) \mid g(x)$ in $R[x]$. We conclude that $\mathfrak{p}=(f(x))$.
Next, assume that $\iota^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})$ is generated by a prime $p \in R$. Observe that $(p)$ is a maximal ideal because every prime ideal of a PID is maximal. It follows that $F:= R/(p)$ is a field. This time, we will embed the coefficients from $R$ to $F$ by the natural projection $\pi: R \to F$. Recall that $\pi$ induces the ring homomorphism $\widetilde{\pi}: R[x] \to F[x]$ defined by taking modulo $(p)$ of the coefficients $a_i$. It is not difficult to see that
$$g(x) \in \ker \widetilde{\pi} \Leftrightarrow \pi(a_i)=0, \forall i \Leftrightarrow a_i \in (p), \forall i \Leftrightarrow g(x) \in (p),$$
which follows that $\ker \widetilde{\pi}=(p) \subseteq \mathfrak{p}$. By Lemma 2.2 $\widetilde{\pi}(\mathfrak{p})$ is a prime ideal $F[x]$. Hence $\widetilde{\pi}(\mathfrak{p})=(0)$ or $\widetilde{\pi}(\mathfrak{p})=(\overline{f}(x))$ where $\overline{f}(x)$ is monic and irreducible over $F$. If $\widetilde{\pi}(\mathfrak{p})=(0)$ then $\mathfrak{p}=(p)$ due to the argument that
$$g(x) \in \mathfrak{p} \Rightarrow \widetilde{\pi}(g(x))=0 \Rightarrow g(x) \in \ker \widetilde{\pi}=(p).$$
Now suppose $\widetilde{\pi}(\mathfrak{p})=(\overline{f}(x))$. We can lift $\overline{f}(x)$ to a monic $f(x) \in R[x]$. $f(x)$ must be irreducible in $R[x]$; otherwise,
$$f(x)=a(x)b(x) \Rightarrow \overline{f}(x)=\widetilde{\pi}(\overline{f}(x))=\widetilde{\pi}(a(x))\widetilde{\pi}(b(x)),$$
which claims that $\overline{f}(x)$ is reducible, a contradiction. Now we can verify that
This implies $f(x) \in \widetilde{\pi}^{-1}((\overline{f}(x)))=\mathfrak{p}$ and $p \in (p) \subseteq \mathfrak{p}$ and then $(p,f(x)) \subseteq \mathfrak{p}$. Now take an element $g(x) \in \mathfrak{p}=\widetilde{\pi}^{-1}((\overline{f}(x)))$, we have
$$\overline{g}(x)=\overline{f}(x)\overline{q}(x) \Rightarrow \widetilde{\pi}(g(x))=\widetilde{\pi}(f(x)g(x))$$
$$\Rightarrow g(x)-f(x)q(x) \in \ker \widetilde{\pi}=(p) \Rightarrow g(x) \in (p,f(x)).$$
We conclude that $\mathfrak{p}=(p,f(x))$.
Now let us sum up and state the main result of the article.
Theorem 2.3. Let $R$ be a PID and $I$ be a prime ideal of $R[x]$. Then $I$ is of one of the following forms:
- $(0)$,
- $(f(x))$, where $f(x)$ is a non-constant irreducible polynomial of $R[x]$,
- $(p)$, where $p \in R$ is prime,
- $(p,f(x))$, where $p$ is prime in $R$ and $f(x)$ is a non-constant irreducible in $(R/(p))[x]$.
Since maximal ideals are prime, the possible maximal ideals of $R$ lie in the above cases. To continue, we will check which types of prime ideals are maximal and which types are not.
Theorem 2.4. Consider the ideals of the ring $R[x]$ mentioned in Theorem 2.3. The only prime ideals of the fourth type are maximal.
Proof: Obviously, $(0)$ is not maximal. Take randomly a prime $p \in R$ and a non-constant irreducible $f(x) \in R[x]$, we need to show that $(p)$ and $(f(x))$ are not maximal of $R[x]$. Indeed, for the case $(p)$, we have the isomorphic rings
$$R[x]/(p) \cong (R/(p))[x],$$
with the LHR is not a field since it is a polynomial ring over a field. For the ideal $(f(x))$, it is obviously that
$$(f(x)) \subsetneq (p,f(x)),$$
since the ideal $(f(x))$ only contains polynomials with the degree $\geq \deg f(x) \geq 1$, therefore does not contains $p$.
Now eliminate the irreducibility of $f(x)$ in $R[x]$ and suppose that $\widetilde{f}(x) \pmod{(p)}$ is irreducible in $(R/(p))[x]$, we have
$$R[x]/(p,f(x)) \cong (R/(p))[x]/(\widetilde{f}(x)).$$
Since $(R/(p))[x]$ is a PID, $(R/(p))[x]/(\widetilde{f}(x))$ is a field. Thus $(p,f(x))$ is a maximal ideal. This completes the proof. $\square$
Finally, we will give some examples of prime ideals and maximal ideals over several popular polynomial rings.
Example 3.1. Given two ideals $I=(5,x^3+2x-3)$, $J=(4,x^2+x+1,x^2+x-1)$ in the ring $\mathbb{Z}[x]$. We will check which ideal of these two is maximal and which one is prime.
Firstly, since $I$ is an ideal of the fourth type mentioned in Theorem 2.3, we will check if the polynomial $x^3+2x-3 \pmod{5}$ is irreducible. The answer is no since $x^3+2x-3=(x-1)(x^2+x+3)$. Therefore $I$ is neither prime nor maximal. For the ideal $J$, note that
since $4=2(x^2+x+1)-2(x^2+x-1)$. The polynomial $x^2+x+1$ is irreducible modulo 2 since it is of degree 2 and does not have roots modulo 2, thus $J$ is a maximal (and also prime) ideal.
Example 3.2. Consider the ring $R=\mathbb{C}[x,y]$. The prime ideals of $R$ are precisely $(0)$, $(f(x,y))$ where $f(x,y)$ is a irreducible polynomial and $(x-a,y-b)$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{C}$. Furthermore, only prime ideals of the third type are maximal.
Proof: From Theorem 2.3 and 2.4 we just need to show that ideals of the fourth type are exactly $(x-a,y-b)$ for some $a,b \in \mathbb{C}$. Note that $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$ can be written as $\mathbb{C}[x][y]$, hence a prime $p \in \mathbb{C}[x]$ must be of the form $x-a$ and an irreducible polynomial in $\mathbb{C}[x,y]/(x-a) \cong \mathbb{C}[y]$ must be of the form $y-b$. Thus $(x-a,y-b)$ is a maximal ideal. $\square$
1. https://math.colorado.edu/~kearnes/Teaching/Courses/F20/HW/calg2p7.pdf